sanar con las manos
"El organismo tiene la capacidad de curarse a sí mismo"
Andrew T. Still
Alexandra Diebel
Articling Student at Gibsons LLP
Juan Carlos is a gentle, effective and intelligent body worker who takes helping his patients more seriously than any medical doctor I have had in my adult life. He consistently goes out of his way to accommodate me (including a treatment one New Year’s day) and, as importantly, his technique is the most effective in providing long term relief from pain that I have experienced in 20+ years of back problems. At each session, without exception, Juan Carlos blends attentive listening with a conscientious examination of my situation. He then proceeds to careful manipulations and assesses the impact throughout and at the end of the session. He has a seemingly endless stock of non-invasive techniques (which do not involve “cracking” or shoving) to stretch, relax and move things back into place. Beyond osteopathy, Juan Carlos is a wise ear who will pay attention to other health problems that I am having and share his thoughts. I have never had so much trust in a health care professional as I have in Juan Carlos. I count myself fortunate to work with him. I believe that he brings an enlightened approach to osteopathy. I hope that we will work together for a long time to come.
Maria Eugenia Jimenez
Certified Translator
Juan Carlos is an excellent professional. We are so lucky in Quebec to count on a person with medical background and devoted to these wonderful Osteopathy Treatments. After visiting a couple of doctors for a severe pain in my right leg, someone told me to call Juan Carlos. When I called, he was very kind and interested in my pain. From the first appointment I liked so much his professionalism, the diagnostic, treatment, dedication and results. Also, he taught me some exercises which will help me in the future to prevent and relieve my condition. Juan Carlos is my first call and I fully recommend him.
Dan Murray
Vice-President at Targray Technology International Inc.
When any member of our Familly needs help with Pulled Muscles, Sprains or Strains, Juan Carlos is our first call.
We have known him for many years and use his services 10-15 times per year.
He is an Osteopath with the background of an orthopedic sugeon. Perfect Combination.
Healing Hands !
Terry Yacovitch
Dentiste - Clinical Lecturer McGill University
My "friend", if I may call you such, you are a man with magic in your hands and with your expertise.
You have made me whole and totally comfortable...once again.
My family and I have the greatest joy in finding you with your knowledge and skill.
Merci, merci, merci.
Warmest regards and appreciation,